Pounds and Inches

Below is a brief summary of Dr. Simeons’ Pounds & Inches. Please note that all customers will automatically receive the Ebook with their order:

Dr. Simeons’ Pounds and Inches- Summarized for You!

Dr. Simeons wrote Pounds and Inches in 1954 as a manual for both physicians and everyday people on the findings that resulted from his years of studying obesity. Dr. Simeons was curious about the causes of obesity and was sure that there was more to be researched than had been discovered. He was certain that obesity was the result of a disorder, instead of being a disorder itself. It is attributable both to genetics and to the dysfunction of the endocrine glands. His theory was that many people suffered from varying degrees of the disorder which were demonstrated by clear side effects and symptoms.

To summarize, Simeons traces the history of obesity from the time of its popularity in past societies, and its fall from popularity in the twentieth century. He attributes the rise in overweight populations to the institution of the regular meal. When people began to expect to eat three times a day, rather than when they had caught wild game or were just hungry, their bodies adjusted to the increased calorie intake by storing the extra energy as fat.

He classifies fat into three categories. Structural fat is the useful kind of fat that keeps bones from rubbing together, fills in places of the body that need support, etc. Reserve fat is used to keep the body warm and provide energy for daily activities. The third kind of fat is the problematic, abnormal stores of fat that are not useful and nearly impossible to buck off. When dieting, the body will first burn the reserve fat, then the structural fat, and then at long last, the abnormal fat—which is far from ideal. To make things worse for the obese, Simeons says that despite their efforts, larger bodies require larger amounts of energy to stay warm and have energy—fueling the hunger an obese person chronically experiences.

A picture of the brain showing the hypothalamusSimeons methodically rejects theories that the thyroid, the sex glands, the pituitary gland, or the adrenals are to blame for the problem. Thus Simeons and his colleagues delved into the study of a small part of the brain responsible for regulating so much of a human’s everyday activities, both voluntary and involuntary, from sex to breathing and heart beats. This part was commonly known as the diencephalon, or the hypothalamus. He stated that when it was removed in lab rats, they were known to develop something similar to diabetes and that “a voracious appetite and a rapid gain in weight in animals which never get fat spontaneously.” He formulated the idea that the diencephalon worked as a fat-bank, storing and depositing fat, holding abnormal fat hostage in some people even when using up the “good fats” used for structure and reserve.

Three Clear Causes Of Obesity According To Dr Simeons’ Research

  • One cause for a more limited “fat-bank” could be heredity. Some people may just be naturally predisposed to this condition. He notes, “When this abnormal trait is markedly present, obesity will develop at an early age in spite of normal feeding; this could explain why among brothers and sisters eating the same food at the same table some become obese and others do not.”
  • The second cause for obesity is other diencephalic/hypothalamic disorders. He cites menopause and castration as reasons that sex glands go into overdrive, producing far too many hormones that cannot be used. In turn, this “causes an excessive strain on the diericephalic center.” He notably concludes from this second cause that, ”Whether obesity is caused by a marked inherited deficiency of the fat-center or by some entirely different diencephalic regulatory disorder, its insurgence obviously has nothing to do with overeating and in either case obesity is certain to develop regardless of dietary restrictions. In these cases any enforced food deficit is made up from essential fat reserves and normal structural fat, much to the disadvantage of the patient’s general health.”
  • The third cause of obesity he identifies is “exhaustion of the food bank.” In other words, the food bank is overwhelmed by a sudden, huge deposit of food and does not know how to react, except to send it straight to the abnormal fat reserves. He says that this is not necessarily because the obese person is overeating on purpose, but the conditions they are in could have changed. For example, moving from a cold place to a warmer climate will decrease the amount of food the body needs, but a person may not change their eating habits accordingly. Or if an person who is overweight takes on a starvation-type diet, and then all of a sudden eats more than that diet will allow—the resulting calories could go automatically to the abnormal fat reserves. Also, eating foods that are refined will shoot through the body more rapidly, consequently overwhelming the “food bank” and being shot over to the excess fat pile.

Dr. Simeons moves on to the psychological causes of obesity—loneliness and unfulfilled sexual gratification often transfer into a physical hunger appeased by ingesting food. He also notes that women in their late teens and early twenties often demonstrate uncontrollable compulsive hunger having little to do with actually desiring or needing to eat. Some people, he says, become obese by becoming emotionally attached to their fat and the identity it provides them. These are triggers that encourage obesity in those who already have a hypothalamic disorder.

He lists several physical and emotional characteristics of people with the potential to become obese. He also recalls when a woman who was emaciated from the waist up demonstrated an abnormal amount of fatty tissue on her hips and down her legs. By the end of his time treating her, she had lost inches in her trouble areas, filled out her emaciated regions, and had not gained or dropped a pound. He says this to demonstrate that weight alone is not an indicator of obesity.

The tendency of obesity to be a characteristic occurring often at birth, however, led Dr. Simeons to despair that there might not be a cure. That was true at least until he heard of something interesting going on in India. Many young boys were suffering from an unknown disorder that made them quite chubby and sexually underdeveloped. However, they were being treated with the hormone that would come to be known as HCG that was being derived from the urine of pregnant women. The treatment was highly effective but was too expensive to be administered generously.

With this knowledge, Dr. Simeons ran tests on at least a hundred patients, giving them daily does of HCG and kept them on a diet of only 500 calories a day. They all demonstrated beneficial results— using up abnormal fat reserves and feeling so full that 500 calories worth of food was almost too much.

HCG & Pregnant Women

He also takes time to address how HCG, as a naturally occurring hormone in a pregnant woman, works in pregnant women to keep them and their baby healthy during gestation. He attests to the fact that it is commonly known in the medical world that there is no need to overeat during pregnancy to feed two mouths or build up strength, etc. In fact he says, “Pregnancy is an obese woman’s one great chance to reduce her excess weight.” During pregnancy the abnormal deposits of fat that are usually unreachable are suddenly available for use because, “There is considerable evidence to suggest that it is the HCG produced in large quantities in the placenta which brings about this diencephalic change.” The reason that straight up giving someone some HCG does not make them lose weight is because there needs to be a deficit in the amount of calorie intake to cause the body to need to draw from the excess fat. In a pregnant woman the calorie deficit is caused by the growing baby. In an HCG patient the deficit is manually inflicted by the 500 calorie diet.  He also mentions that men should not be afraid to undergo HCG treatments just because it is associated with pregnancy.

Diseases That Can Possibly Be Helped By Regular Doses Of HCG

  • Diabetes (results vary depending on severity)
  • Rheumatism (improves temporarily)
  • Cholesterol (does not worsen during treatment)
  • Gout (varying results)
  • High and low blood pressure (becomes normal during treatment and slightly returns to being high or low post-treatment)
  • Peptic ulcers (despite a couple incidents, usually improves)
  • Psoriasis and brittle nails (improves during treatment)
  • Hair loss (postponed)
  • Varicose ulcers (improves during treatment)

Some doctorsThe final section, “Technique” is written as a guide for doctors for administering HCG and guiding patients through the HCG diet. He warns that even adding a hundred or two hundred extra calories to the diet can severely limit the weight loss results. The amount of HCG administed matters, too, as too strong of a dose might cancel it out. He directs physicians to inquire into a patient’s medical history, determine the amount of weight they want/need to lose, and tells why he will not treat normal weight actresses who claim the need to be underweight. He talks generally about the diet, which needs to be continued for three full days after treatment has stopped. Starches and sugars should not be consumed for three weeks after the treatment ends.

Starting The HCG Diet

Some people may be immune to the effects of HCG and the cause was unknown by Simeons at the time he wrote this manuscript. Girls on their period should stay on the diet but not intake HCG. Before starting the HCG diet, patients are to eat normally and to capacity for one full week to build up their normal fat reserves. Even on the first two days of treatment, the patient must load up on fatty foods. The ideal time to start treatment is after a menstrual cycle and generally at the beginning of the week.

Beginning on the third day of treatment, the 500 calorie diet begins in full swing.

Breakfast is tea or coffee without sugar. “Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used.”

Lunch and Dinner are both composed of four things:

  • 100 grams of a lean meat with fat trimmed off and not attached to the bone: “veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp.” Must be grilled or boiled without oils/fats.
  • “One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.”
  • A breadstick or a piece of Melba toast
  • An apple or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit.

So there can be some variation in what one eats every day but it always falls into these four categories: meat, vegetable, bread, fruit. Other details include, “The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing. Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. In fact, the patient should drink about 2 liters of these fluids per day.” The fruit and/or breadstick may be eaten earlier or later as a snack. Women may only wear lipstick, powder, and may shade in their eyebrows.

An important thing to note is that the 500 calories are not to be spent however which way the dieter desires. They must conform to the four categories as prescribed by Dr. Simeons. Any food left out is intentionally left out, such as pork and eggs. Also some foods interfere with HCG, like pimentos, so he left those out, too. There are some provisions for skimmed milk cottage cheese as an occasional meat substitute as well as exceptions for religious vegetarians who may drink skimmed milk in place of meat. Vitamins and minerals not consumed are made up for by what is released from the excess fat burned mobilized each day.

He describes what patients typically go through physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout treatment. Weight loss per day varies throughout the treatment. Weight, gender, and the amount of water in the body affect daily weight loss. Prior use of diuretics is severely discouraged but accounted for.

Four Possible Interruptions To Weight Loss

3 apples

  1. The first is just a couple days of no weight loss due to the body’s water balance.
  2. The second is a plateau commonly encountered by people who have been losing weight regularly typically during the second half of treatment. These people can partake of an apple day where all they ingest besides water is six apples. It basically just flushes them out and gives them the psychological high five of weight loss.
  3. The third type of interruption is only encountered by severely obese patients and is called “reaching a former level.” For example, if a 300 lb. woman weighed 260 lbs. for a long period in her life and she got back down to 260 after being on the HCG diet for awhile, she might have a 2-10 day interruption in weight loss.
  4. The fourth type of interruption occurs a couple days leading up to a woman’s period and perhaps the first couple days of it, as well. She generally won’t lose any weight on these days.

Any weight gain during the diet is usually attributed to messing up the diet somehow. Simeons says that a patient may have snuck in a little salty snack. He takes this opportunity to explain how salt intake works while on HCG. Any extra salt will lead to exponential weight gain. The simplified reason is because for every teaspoon of salt in the body there must be a liter of water to dilute it. Obviously a liter of water for every teaspoon of salt is going to add up. Just think about how much water your body would retain after eating a bowl of chips! Anyway, he says that there is nothing wrong with salt, but it just effects the number of the scale without having to do with retaining, gaining, or losing fat.

guy drinking waterHe encourages patients to drink a lot of water as it has nothing to do with water retention. Only drinking too little water will make the body retain water more. If a patient experiences constipation for a few days he should consider it normal due to the restricted diet. Laxatives are hugely discouraged but can be used if a patient experiences constipation for more than four days and is really worried about it.

He discusses why cosmetics, facial creams, lotions, and oils are forbidden in more detail. He insists that case studies have shown that these fats are absorbed into the skin. Cosmetics with hormones in them also mess with the diet.

Amphetamines are never used to promote weight loss except in weird situations. If a patient is called away on business or something and cannot continue treatment then he should up his diet to 800 calories, and only if he has been on the HCG diet for at least 20 days. He adds the 300 extra calories only after the third day of being away. He can add them by adding meat, eggs, cheese, and milk to his diet. Also muscle fatigue has been reported during treatment but is only temporary and is not abnormal. He forbids massages and massage treatment intended to shift or break up fat.

Three days after the last dose of HCG, the diet is over. For three weeks, no starches or sugars to be consumed. Patients are to weigh themselves at the start of each day to monitor weight fluctuations and to gauge how foods such as carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol affect them. Starches can be added gradually three weeks after treatment ends as long as the patient is still weighing himself or herself daily. Simeons advises, that if a patient notices a weight gain of more than two pounds, “they must on that same day entirely skip breakfast and lunch but take plenty to drink. In the evening they must eat a huge steak with only an apple or a raw tomato.” Normal weight is the weight at which the patient was at the end of treatment. Losing more weight is also discouraged since the fat loss will usually come from normal fat instead of excess fat.

To conclude, Dr. Simeons notes, “Most patients are surprised how small their appetite has become and yet how much they can eat without gaining weight. They no longer suffer from an abnormal appetite and feel satisfied with much less food than before. In fact, they are usually disappointed that they cannot manage their first normal meal, which they have been planning for weeks.” Some people get messed up after the diet is over. They think they can still survive on only 500 calories and are too terrified to return to eating normal food. By eating only 500 calories with taking HCG people actually gain weight because the body thinks its starving and goes into conservation mode.

Daily Calories Burned Broken Down By Weight

This chart shows how many calories a day a person burns on average by weight and activity level